Ultimate Immersion’s ENB for Skyrim Special Edition (SSE), on which he spent months perecting. He tries to lean towards realism as much as possible with a touch of fantasy, that’s perfectly fit for a world of Skyrim. It is a widely used ENB, great for either gameplay, cinematic recordings or screenshots. The depth of field is off by default, but already set for usage when turned on in ENB settings whenever needed. This ENB looks best with ESO-UI mod list, which you can see alongside on our website, with all the installation guides needed to achieve exact same result.This ENB is compatible with any weather mod, but looks best with NAT.
Ultimate Immersion SE ENB This is Ultimate Immersion’s ENB for Skyrim Special Edition (SSE), on which he spent months perecting. He tries to lean towards realism as much as possible with a touch of fantasy, that’s perfectly fit for a world of Skyrim. It is a widely used ENB, great for either gameplay, cinematic recordings or screenshots. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'I want my character to look better. Which ENB do you recommend?' Climates of Tamriel is at its best when paired with an ENB like SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB and Realistic Lighting Overhaul’s interior lighting. Special Edition. Best Skyrim mods – NPCs and creatures Interesting NPCs. Interesting NPCs is packed with new characters scattered all over Skyrim, each with their own background, schedule and branching.
Screenshot comparisons between Vanilla game using NAT weathers and Ultimate Immersion’s ENB using NAT weathers.
Skyrim Best Enb For Characters Names; Rudy ENB for Vanilla Skyrim - NLVA - NLA - COT - URWL - ELFX and ENDERAL. Enb for Everyone. Good performance ( I'm not joking:) and of course, stunning visuals:) Custom presets for the Vanilla, URWL, NLA, NLVA and CoT. Special version for ENDERAL. Enb Even if you don’t consider yourself a graphics snob. NVIDIA ENB Mod Link - Be sure to check out other screenshots on the mod page! Author's description: Inspired by NVIDIA, NVIDIA ENB is a graphics project that accurately improves the graphics of some popular games like GTA series, The Elder Scrolls V, and Fallout 4 using the simplest ways possible but with unique techniques.
- Download the latest ENB binaries at enbdev.com
- Open the “Wrapper” folder and extract only selected files shown in the image below to where your SkyrimSE.exe is
- Download Ultimate Immersion SE ENB archive
- Extract and replace all content to your SkyrimSE.exe game folder
This ENB is compatible with any weather mod, but looks best with NAT.Download Ultimate Immersion SE ENB v1.5Download Ultimate Immersion SE ENB v1.5
(Brighter Nights)
To fix the black face issue, reddish SSS skin tone and few other imbalances you have to disable few effects in NAT settings.- Go to your spells, select ‘NAT settings’ and cast it
- Select ‘Graphic Options’
- Disable ‘SS Scattering’, ‘Dawn & Dusk Natural Lighting’ and ‘Wet Effects’
If you need help with installation or you have mod suggestions for our future mod list updates, please join Ultimate Immersion’s Discord below.
Special thanks to Adyss for helping me out with some custom coding for this ENB.
Please check out his brilliant Surreal ENB
Does anyone really know what the hell ENB stands for? All I know is that these mods can massively improve the way games like Skyrim look by enhancing post-processing effects.
ENBs for Skyrim have been around for quite some time already. And with each year that passes, new ENBs are released for both Skyrim and Skyrim SE.
If you want your game to take on its own unique look, or for it to look like a remake of Skyrim, then you’ve come to the right place.
If you’ve never plated with ENBs before, well you are in for a treat. They’re far more performance-friendly than shaders, so your game will look better than you can imagine without compromising your FPS!
Note: Be sure to install any “recommended mods” on the description page for each mod below if you wish to have your game look just like the screenshots.
30. Enhanced ENB Night Eye
I’m starting this list with a rather unique mod, as this one has a specific aim that not many other mods share: fixing the way the Khajit’s Night Eye looks when an ENB preset is applied.
It does this by adding a special command console, which you’ll be able to use to manually correct the way the preset looks whenever you want.
You’ll be able to make things look smooth or bright as day if you wish.
This is one of the few presets that truly puts control into the hands of the player, which is why it deserves a spot here.
29. Poupouri ENB
Alright, you’re going to need quite a powerful computer if you wish to run this mod.
It aims to turn the game into a “movie-like” setting, where lighting and shadows feel so real that you’ll doubt the very purpose of your existence.
The characters in the images of this ENB preset at the Nexus are customized (modded), but the creator of the mod does recommend you download characters like this to give Skyrim an even bigger sense of realism in combination with the Popouri ENB.
No, you won’t be renting vocational apartments with the AIR ENB mod.
Instead you’ll be getting the chance to see how Skyrim looks like under a colorful ENB preset that leaves realism behind to create a completely new visual experience.
That’s my take on it, at least.
The creator claims it to be photorealistic, but it does feel a bit too bright for it to resemble reality. In any case, it’s a fantastic mod that is sure to provide you with a visual overhaul like no other.
If you wish to take the mod even more seriously, though, you might want to ignore the Skyrim Anime characters that the creator decided to use as models for his screenshots. They’re fun, but not so serious.
27. Kountervibe ENB
This was one of the first ENB presets that has truly dropped open my mouth in awe.
“Filaments” are what makes this mod stand out, in my opinion.
Grass, hair, and all thin textures look astonishingly beautiful with this installed.

The way lighting interacts with these sorts of items makes the Kountervibe ENB one of the best mods out there if you’re looking to give your game a photorealistic look.
26. Photoreal ENB
As the name suggests, you’ll be getting a photoreal experience if you install this preset.
It’s way less bright than other mods, which makes you feel like you’re really exploring a natural landscape when playing Skyrim.
Autumn-like settings (aka environments in which range is the predominant color) tend to look absolutely beautiful with this mod.
I don’t know what it about forests and this ENB preset, but it just makes me happy to be in autumn-like forests.
The way the water looks is also just crazy with the Photoreal ENB.
Some claim this mod to be the best for water realism, but I think you’ll be far more pleased with some of the mods later on this list.
25. Tamriel Reloaded ENB
If I had to relate this ENB preset with the aesthetical look of any other game, I think I’d have to say Red Dead Redemption 2.
I mean, the game won’t look exactly like Rockstar’s latest masterpiece. But the colors very much resemble the designs in RDR2.
An opaquer tone gives Tamriel a unique look, and something entirely different to what can be found in most of the other ENB presets on this list.
It truly takes indoor lighting to the next level, in my opinion.
24. Stakado Realistic
Man, the Stakado Realistic ENB would be absolutely perfect if it wasn’t for certain issues with bright lighting on surfaces such as rocks.
I was stunned at first when I tried out this mod, and if it wasn’t for this simple issue, you can rest assured that I would’ve ranked this mod far higher up on my list.
In any case, areas where lighting isn’t too prominent will look absolutely gorgeous.
The water looks stunning, too, so be sure to check out the new rivers if you opt to give this one a shot.
This ENB gives you a completely different look (big surprise) as it doesn’t really aim to provide you with a photorealistic setting.
Instead, you will have a much brighter game with decent shading improvements.
I’m ranking this mod here even though I wouldn’t use it myself, because I feel that mods that beg to differ from the norm are fantastic and deserve recognition.
If you’re tired of your game looking “realistic” or “accurate”, give this one a try. It’ll look much more like World of Warcraft than anything else!
22. Snapdragon Prime ENB
The screenshots taken by the creator of this mod will make you think that you’re browsing the webpage of a generic MMORPG.
But don’t be fooled by the creator’s love for anime characters: this ENB’s brightness and colorful additions make quite a fantastic combination of features to be added to the game.
Be warned, though – this mod will drop your framerate until it reaches the Earth’s core.
It requires basically all of your computer’s resources to work as intended. You might want to avoid this mod unless you’re running an i7 with a GTX 1080 at least.
21. Gameplay Performance ENB
Now this mod achieves a balance that is as close to perfect as possible when it comes to performance and visuals.
If you want your game to look pretty but you really can’t install one of the bigger ENB mods because your computer simply won’t be able to support it, you’ll want to take a look at this one.
Brightness and shadows seem to be completely accurate. But the fact that this mod doesn’t look as realistic as others also means you can run it even on a cheap-o graphics card.
It’s like playing Skyrim with the settings in “Very Ultra”, if I may use such a poor choice of words as a reference.
20. PureVision ENB
My God, this mod is stunning.
Water looks fantastically real, lighting is as close to current-gen games as possible, and the way shadows and grass look make me wonder where this mod has been all my life.
If you have a computer capable of running newer games, then you might be able to make PureVision work well on your PC.
It does take a ton of GPU to make this ENB run smoothly. But trust me – it’s as worth it as it can be.
I encourage you to head to a forest after installing this mod and walk through the shadows of the leaves.
Tell me if that isn’t the most beautiful visual experience that you’ll ever see in Skyrim – I dare you!
Skyrim Best Enb For Characters Download
19. The Wilds ENB
This ENB truly reminds me of the traditional MMORPG lighting used in some of the world’s most popular online games.
It does aim to recreate realistic lighting in the game, but it also aims to stay true to the visual principles that Bethesda implemented in Skyrim.
As such, the mod makes the game look like an improved version of Skyrim.
As if you were playing an even more modern remaster than Skyrim SE.
18. K ENB Pure Light
There’s a reason why this mod is called “Pure Light”.
The way lighting works with this ENB makes everything look way brighter and happier than it is.
That means crappy textures will be perceived as much more detailed. Always a good thing.
But here, water isn’t as detailed as it is in other presets.
Well who really needs to look at the water when you can see the reflection of your sword in the most HD manner possible?
17. Performance and Realistic ENB
Instead of focusing on adding colorful features to this ENB, the creator decided to take a different approach and focus on creating a mod that makes the game look very realistic with the use of depth of field and opaque colors.
As such, you can’t expect things to look too vivid with this mod installed.
Instead, the mod aims to resemble a northern environment in real life.
I think it serves its purpose as well as it can, and it’s a fantastic addition to your game if you’re keen to add realism without compromising your FPS.
16. Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospheric
Sky and water will look like never before if you install this amazing mod.
The attention to detail is just astonishing. You can see different types of clouds blending into each other depending on the weather, which is crazy enough.
But that’s not all! The water effects are also better than anything up until this point on my list.
Notice how reflections will look better than ever, and how the waves crash into the shore like never before. Lighting, in general, is also fantastic under this preset.
A must-have mod if you’re one to explore the natural regions of Skyrim.
15. Superb ENB
I’ve never been too much of a fan of super vivid ENBs.
But this one really deserves a shout. In fact, if you like bright colors and the way Skyrim seen through a bright lens, the Superb ENB mod is one you’ll want to try out.
Some of the “grimmer” cities don’t look as good with this preset, I have to admit.
It just doesn’t feel right for Whiterun to be as colorful as it is with Superb ENB.
But hey, if that’s your thing, you know which ENB to grab.
14. The Grim and Somber ENBs
Skyrim wasn’t designed to be a place filled with colorful environments. Or with deer happily running around and fisherman enjoying a good time by the lakes.
Skyrim was me15-superb-enb-mod.jpgant to be a somber place. Where the winds of the north clash with the tides of the east in one of the coldest places in Tamriel.
This ENB takes that to the next level by making the game’s atmosphere super grim.
You won’t ever see any colorful things again, as even bright colors are turned into opaquer versions of themselves with this mod installed.
13. Phinix Natural
Grab the Phinix Natural install, open up your game, and take a step back in awe at the new beauty of nature.
This mod aims to combine the traditional look of Skyrim with enhanced graphical improvements to create a unique setting.
With this mod installed, you’ll be able to appreciate nighttime like never before. The darker colors are somehow made to look more vivid, while the brighter colors feel a bit opaquer.
It’s like the creator managed to balance the game’s color tones much better. And I, for one, absolutely love the way it turned out.
12. Stakado Cinemascope ENB
This is the second mod made by Stakado that takes a spot on my list.
And even though the first one aims to make the game more realistic, this one takes a higher spot because of its movie-like feel.
The main goal of this mod is to turn your Skyrim experience into something that looks as if it was made to be shown in a movie theater.
The whole “cinematic” approach is not something that you’d think could look good in a game like this.
But it fits perfectly. Give it a shot and see for yourself – I promise you won’t regret it.
11. Rudy ENB
This was exclusively made to work with Vanilla Skyrim, which means you don’t even need expansions or the Special Edition if you want it to work.
The Rudy ENB is one of those mods that adds realism to the game without causing too much of a strain in your graphics card or your hard drive, so it’s definitely a mod to try out if you don’t own the most powerful computer.
It shares a similar look with the Grim and Somber ENB, as its main goal is to make Skyrim’s graphics better while keeping the natural feel of the game.
10. RealLike ENB
I could honestly sit on any mountaintop in the game and look at the horizon for hours with this installed.
The colors are way more vibrant than in the base game, as you can see in the comparison images added by the creator in his Nexus post.
If you truly want your game to keep its essence but add a bit more of realism, then this might be the preset you need.
It’s super realistic while also making Skyrim look like those beautiful zones adjacent to the Nordic fjords.
9. Vividian ENB
The Vividian ENB is actually made using three different visual enhancers, which include a mod that enhances the weather in the game.
I’ve actually reviewed weather mods in one of my lists, so you might want to check out that article for more ideas.
As an ENB that is fully compatible with weather mods, this fantastic creation is sure to enhance your Skyrim experience on all fronts.
Storms will feel more real, the sunshine will be brighter than ever, and dusk weather is sure to create an even better sensation than in base game or SE.
8. T.A.Z Visual Overhaul
Get weather and ENB improvements that will take your Skyrim experience to the next level.
By combining both things into one of the best graphic mods in the Skyrim modding community. TAZ is totally worth checking out, although it can feel a bit big, so it’s not great for lighter modding.
This ENB does change the way shadows interact overall. But my main take is the way it makes indoor shadows look.
Install this mod and walk inside any house.
You’ll see one of the biggest changes you’ve ever seen in the game… for the better.
6. Tetrachromatic ENB
Skyrim is a fantasy world.
So a fantasy ENB would make complete sense.
That’s what the Tetrachromatic mod does: it makes the Skyrim world look like one of those fantasy worlds you see in movies.
I’m absolutely in love with this mod. If you’re not too keen on realism, give this one a go.
5. Skyrim Enhanced Shaders
As you can imagine by the name here, it enhances the way lighting and shadows work in your game.
Skyrim Se Best Performance Enb

It might sound pretty simple, and it kind of is.
Skyrim Best Enb For Characters Fortnite
But the end result is something that you won’t want to miss out on.
4. Natural Lighting and Atmospheric ENB
This plugin will turn your game into one of the most photorealistic experiences possible, putting many of the other mods on this list to shame.
I’m calling it a plugin because it includes the ENB plus a weather modifier and a water-changing mod.
Skyrim Se Snapdragon
A beautiful addition to your game indeed.
3. True Vision ENB
True Vision has one goal, and one goal only: Make the region feel as if it exists in reality.
As such, all colors are fine-tuned to look as realistic as possible, ignoring the “shades” that make objects and creatures look a bit gray in the base game.
If realism is what you’re after, this one and the #1 mod lower on my list are must-haves.
True Vision is made by Bronze316, who also made the next few mods on my list as well.
2. Seasons of Skyrim ENB
Seasons of Skyrim just falls short of the first spot on my list, but that doesn’t mean it’s not one of the best ENBs out there.
This one focuses on providing a feel of Tamriel with different seasons, even though that isn’t a feature in the base game. Anyone who loves the changes from Spring to Fall will adore this mod.
Visually stunning. A must-try.
1. Project ENB
Remember all of those ENBs where I claimed they were so realistic?
Well this one puts them all to shame.
It’s also made by Bronze316, arguably the best ENB modder in the community.
Project ENB was made to work in conjunction with the Climates of Tamriel mod.
It provides users with the chance to enjoy an entire system of natural lighting, shaders, water, clouds, and many more features that make the game feel as realistic as possible. If you’re looking for strong immersion then you can’t pass this one up.
Project ENB provides motion blur and depth of field like no other mod. Combine that with the high-quality lighting that it comes with and you’ll have a game that even modern computers will be proud to run.
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