Bazi Ming Pan V2.0

Free Bazi Calculator (八字)/ Destiny Chart

The BaZi Ming Pan Version 2.0 Calculator sets a new standard by combining the best of BaZi and technology.

The BaZi Ming Pan Professional Edition is the most technically advanced software of its kind. As a professional Four Pillars Calculator, it generates detailed BaZi charts and provides virtually every requirement needed to undertake a comprehensive Destiny Analysis. The BaZi 60 Pillars Life Analysis Method - BING Yang Fire. Please key in your student ID and Password below to use our service. Student ID: Password. The BaZi Ming Pan Version 2.0 Calculator sets a new standard by combining the best of BaZi and technology. The BaZi Ming Pan Version 2.0 Calculator sets a new standard by combining the best of BaZi and technology. Disclaimer: Please take note that this software is designed to generate detailed and comprehensive professional BaZi charts. This software DOES NOT provide any form of interpretation for the charts it generates.

Bazi reading (八字) of an individual served as a basis of data used by Feng Shui masters. The information is used to assess one’s Strengths and Weaknesses based on ancient Chinese Feng Shui elements and statistics. Bazi profiling is derived from ones’ birth date and time.

Our Bazi calculator is based on Hsia Calendar (夏历), also known as Ten Thousand Year Calendar (万年历).

Bazi Ming Pan V2.0 2017

Note that this result is fixed and do not change with calendar time.

Bazi Ming Pan V2.0 Full

Often, other information such as below are used to complement the findings.

  • Chinese name
  • Gender

Ming Gua (命卦) Calculator – East West Group (东西命)

Ming Gua (命卦) came from Eight House Mansion (八宅) methodology. Every individual has 4 good & bad directions each. They can belong to either East Group (东命) or West Group (西命). Result is derived from birth date, time and gender.

Note that this result is fixed and do not change with calendar time.

During Feng Shui master audit, the master with Eight House Mansion approach may use this as a first layer filter to determine the main door, bedroom and stove. Read more.


Bazi Ming Pan V2.0 Free

Often, they use their compass or known as Luo Pan (罗盘) to determine the best direction, auspicious and inauspicious sectors of a house. This concept applies same during feng shui interior design or site selection.

To learn more on these directions, you can read them here.

Bazi Ming Pan V2.0 Online

Flying Stars (飞星) Feng Shui

Known as Nine Palace Flying Stars (九宫飞星), the chart is to determine the building natal chart. It is then used in conjunction with current time period to determine the auspicious & inauspicious stars positions.

House audit is usually based on 20 years cycle to determine the directions. In addition, cycle frequency can be bi-hourly, daily, monthly or yearly cycle. They are not used during house audit but generally for purposes with shorter timeline. Usually used in conjunction with other Feng Shui elements.

Bazi Ming Pan V2.0 For Windows

The stars chart is then layover the house floor plan (split into 9 sectors). Based on the directions and star positions, master used this to determine the current and future potential outcomes of each sectors (room/ house). Outcomes can be in dimensions such as health, career, relationship, study and etc…

An example of how you can plot the chart can be read here.

Note that this chart result changes with time.

Side note: Feng Shui cycle is 10 year period. Flying Stars is up to 20 years period.

Thank you & Good Luck !